A: I got some of the hardware removed, but not the big pieces. I started out with a cumulative four metal rods and 18 screws. I have had two subsequent surgeries since the osteotomies, in 2017 and 2018 respectively.
The first surgery was to deal with a scar tissue buildup around my left knee. The scar tissue was trapped on one of the screws and I wasn’t able to bend my knee past 45º for a year. They had to do a manipulation to break the scar tissue and they took out a handful of screws. They took out another handful of screws during the second hardware removal procedure. I required more physical therapy and had trouble getting around for a couple weeks after both procedures, even though they were relatively minor. I currently have (I think) 13 screws remaining and will have to get more removed in the near future since they’re bothering me.
I will not be getting the rods removed, though. Removing them would require another invasive surgery with substantial recovery time and my surgeon never intended for them to come out, so I will always be a bit of a cyborg.